Eid is a special occasions and one of the things which makes it so is the Eid-ul-Adha congregational prayer.
Eid prayer consists of two units (Rakat in Arabic, singular is Raka). The main difference in the way this prayer and any other prayer of two Rakat is performed is the number of Takbirs that are done.
मौलाना मौसूफ़ ने अपनी तक़रीर में हजरत अली (अ.स) की एक हदीस इरशाद फरमाई के " उस वक़्त से डरो जब तुम्हारी हर दुआ कबूल होने लगे" ..... और इसकी तफसीर बयान की और उन्होंने कहा कोई शख्स ऐसा नहीं है के जिस से अल्लाह ने सब कुछ ले लिया हो या सब कुछ जिसने अल्लाह को दे दिया हो ( मिसाल के तौर पर अपने जान या नींद ) लेकिन जब अल्लाह किसी से मांगे या मुतालबा करे तो हमें चाहिए के हम उसकी इत'अत करे जैसा के शबे हिजरत हजरत अली (अ.स) ने अपनी जान की परवा न करते हुवे बिस्तरे रसूल (स.अ.व.) पर सो गये और हजरत इब्राहीम (अ.स) ने अपनी बेटे की क़ुरबानी पेश की!.
आज काल हमारे यहाँ यह डे वो डे कैंसर की तरह फैल रहा है जैसे फ्रेंडशिप डे, वलेंतैने डे. हमारा कोई भी तयूहार एन्जॉय का नहीं होता है बलके हमारा साल क़ुरबानी से सुरु होता है और क़ुरबानी पर ख़त्म होता है.
Holy Quran 37: 104-108
104) We called out to him, "O Abraham!
(105) "Thou hast already fulfilled the vision!"—thus indeed do We reward those who do right.
(106) For this was obviously a trial—
(107) And We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice: (108) And We left (this blessing) for him among generations (to come) in later times:
When Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) prepared to sacrifice Hazrat Ismail (a.s.) in the way of Allah (s.w.t.), Allah (s.w.t.) stopped him and sent a lamb to be sacrificed in Hazrat Ismail's (a.s.) place. Allah (s.w.t.) said Ismail's sacrifice is being replaced with the 'Zibh e Azeem', The Grand Slaughter.
The exact words of Allah (s.w.t.) in Holy Quran are: "wa fadaynahu bi Zibhin Azeem"
[Shakir 37:107] And We ransomed him with a Feat sacrifice.
[Yusufali 37:107] And We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice:
[Pickthal 37:107] Then We ransomed him with a tremendous victim.
In a state of supreme bliss Allama Iqbal says:
Allah Allah Ba-ey Bismillah pidar
Ma’niye zibh-e-azim a-mad pisar
A non-rigorous translation will be:
What a glory what a glory, the father is the dot below "bey" of Bismillah [first letter] in Quran [i.e. Hazrat Ali (a.s.)]
And the son [i.e. Imam Husain (a.s.)] is the manifestation and meaning of Zibhe Azeem in Quran [which Allah (s.w.t.) described while accepting the Dumba in place of Hazrat Ismail (as)].
Sheikh Hafidh Sulaiman ibn al-Qunduzi Hanafi cited in Yanabiul Mawaddah (p.69.Istanbul edition), that Ibn Talha, author of Durru'l-Munazzam says: "You should know that all the secrets and mysteries of the divine books are contained in the Holy Qur'an. Whatever is in the Holy Qur'an is contained in the Sura al-Fatiha. Whatever is in the Sura of al-Fatiha is contained in the verse 'Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.' (In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful). Whatever is in the verse, 'Bismillah ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim,' is in the Ba (B) of 'Bismillah.' Whatever is in the Ba of 'Bismillah,' is contained in the dot below the letter Ba of 'Bismillah.' Ali said: 'I am that dot which is below the letter Ba of Bismillah.'"
Doubtless Imam Ali (a.s.) was acknowledged to be the best expounder of the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) had himself declared: “Ali is with Qur’an, and Qur’an is with Ali”. Imam Husain (a.s.) was the son of such an eminent personality. Imam Husain (a.s.) was the direct descendant of Prophet Ismail (a.s.) and had offered himself for sacrifice at Karbala to save Islamic principles from annihilation. The Holy Qur’an says that Zibhe Azim, the great sacrifice of Prophet Ismail (a.s.) was left over for the coming generation. Allama Iqbal alludes to this and says that Zibhe Azim in the Holy Qur’an means the sacrifice of Imam Husain.
Allama Iqbal, also recognized the similarity between Hazrat Ismail (a.s.) and Imam Hussein (a.s.). He said:
"Ghareeb o saada o rangeen hay daastaan e Haram,
Nihayat iss ki Hussein, ibtida hein Ismail."
Shah Wali-ullah, in Sirrush Shahadaytan, and many other well known authors of traditions and history have accepted the fact that zibhin azim refers to the sacrifice of Imam Husain.
104) We called out to him, "O Abraham!
(105) "Thou hast already fulfilled the vision!"—thus indeed do We reward those who do right.
(106) For this was obviously a trial—
(107) And We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice: (108) And We left (this blessing) for him among generations (to come) in later times:
When Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) prepared to sacrifice Hazrat Ismail (a.s.) in the way of Allah (s.w.t.), Allah (s.w.t.) stopped him and sent a lamb to be sacrificed in Hazrat Ismail's (a.s.) place. Allah (s.w.t.) said Ismail's sacrifice is being replaced with the 'Zibh e Azeem', The Grand Slaughter.
The exact words of Allah (s.w.t.) in Holy Quran are: "wa fadaynahu bi Zibhin Azeem"
[Shakir 37:107] And We ransomed him with a Feat sacrifice.
[Yusufali 37:107] And We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice:
[Pickthal 37:107] Then We ransomed him with a tremendous victim.
In a state of supreme bliss Allama Iqbal says:
Allah Allah Ba-ey Bismillah pidar
Ma’niye zibh-e-azim a-mad pisar
A non-rigorous translation will be:
What a glory what a glory, the father is the dot below "bey" of Bismillah [first letter] in Quran [i.e. Hazrat Ali (a.s.)]
And the son [i.e. Imam Husain (a.s.)] is the manifestation and meaning of Zibhe Azeem in Quran [which Allah (s.w.t.) described while accepting the Dumba in place of Hazrat Ismail (as)].
Sheikh Hafidh Sulaiman ibn al-Qunduzi Hanafi cited in Yanabiul Mawaddah (p.69.Istanbul edition), that Ibn Talha, author of Durru'l-Munazzam says: "You should know that all the secrets and mysteries of the divine books are contained in the Holy Qur'an. Whatever is in the Holy Qur'an is contained in the Sura al-Fatiha. Whatever is in the Sura of al-Fatiha is contained in the verse 'Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.' (In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful). Whatever is in the verse, 'Bismillah ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim,' is in the Ba (B) of 'Bismillah.' Whatever is in the Ba of 'Bismillah,' is contained in the dot below the letter Ba of 'Bismillah.' Ali said: 'I am that dot which is below the letter Ba of Bismillah.'"
Doubtless Imam Ali (a.s.) was acknowledged to be the best expounder of the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) had himself declared: “Ali is with Qur’an, and Qur’an is with Ali”. Imam Husain (a.s.) was the son of such an eminent personality. Imam Husain (a.s.) was the direct descendant of Prophet Ismail (a.s.) and had offered himself for sacrifice at Karbala to save Islamic principles from annihilation. The Holy Qur’an says that Zibhe Azim, the great sacrifice of Prophet Ismail (a.s.) was left over for the coming generation. Allama Iqbal alludes to this and says that Zibhe Azim in the Holy Qur’an means the sacrifice of Imam Husain.
Allama Iqbal, also recognized the similarity between Hazrat Ismail (a.s.) and Imam Hussein (a.s.). He said:
"Ghareeb o saada o rangeen hay daastaan e Haram,
Nihayat iss ki Hussein, ibtida hein Ismail."
Shah Wali-ullah, in Sirrush Shahadaytan, and many other well known authors of traditions and history have accepted the fact that zibhin azim refers to the sacrifice of Imam Husain.