(Shafi’i scholar) relates that Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:
Love of Ali is faith, and enmity towards him is sedition.
(Kanzu 'l-`ummal. In as-Suyuti, Jam`u 'l-jawami `, vol.6, p.156)
Love of Ali is faith, and enmity towards him is sedition.
(Kanzu 'l-`ummal. In as-Suyuti, Jam`u 'l-jawami `, vol.6, p.156)
It was 19th of Ramadhan 41 Hijri while Ameerul Momineen Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)
was leading the morning prayers and was in the second sajdah of the 2nd Rakaat that
Ibne Muljim’s (l.a.) sword fell and subsequently the life of the greatest warrior saint
was taken away to his merciful Lord. This was the time when Ameerul Momineen
Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) uttered his famous words : "Fuzto be rabbil Kaaba" - "By
the Rab of Kaaba, I am successful". The crime of assassinating Ameerul Momineen
Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) remains one of the most cruel, brutal and hideous, because it
was not committed against one man, but against the whole rational Islamic
leadership. By assassinating Ameerul Momineen Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s.), they
actually aimed at assassinating the message, the history, the culture and the nation of
Muslims embodied in the person of Ameerul Momineen Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s.). In
doing so, the Islamic nation lost its guide of progress.
The famous christian writer of Lebanon George Jordac writes in his book on
Ameerul Momineen Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) that with this one blow of the sword of
Ibne Muljim the world was deprived of the person who, if had lived a few more
years would have given the world a system of administration that future generations
would have benefited for a long time to come.” In fact the letter to his Governor of
The famous christian writer of Lebanon George Jordac writes in his book on
Ameerul Momineen Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) that with this one blow of the sword of
Ibne Muljim the world was deprived of the person who, if had lived a few more
years would have given the world a system of administration that future generations
would have benefited for a long time to come.” In fact the letter to his Governor of
Egypt Malik-e-Ashter advising him of the “Do’s and Don’ts for a successful
administration of the State is the hall mark in the annals of history”.
The famous French historian and Orientalist Gabriel Enkiri writes in his famous book
‘Le chevealier de Islam’- In the extremely superfine, grand and noble character of
Ali, there were two traits which, it is difficult to believe that can be united in one
man. Besides Ali, history cannot show any other man who has displayed these two
qualities at one and the same time, and each one, in such a marked way that none
can surpassed him:
He was the greatest marshal of his time (even of all time) and,
2. He was the wisest man who could explain and expound religion, philosophy,
science, sociology and ethics, in a style which was not and which cannot be
improved; what is more, he was such a great speaker that his speeches enchant you
even fourteen centuries after his death”. Read the book called Nahjul Balagha and
find out yourself.
Here we quote a few selected sayings of Ameerul Momineen Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)
from Nahjul Balagha:
1. During civil disturbance be like an adolescent camel who has neither a
back strong enough for riding nor udders for milking.
He who adopts greed as a habit devalues himself, he who discloses his
hardship agrees to humiliation, and he who allows his tongue to overpower
his Nafs debases the Nafs.
hardship agrees to humiliation, and he who allows his tongue to overpower
his Nafs debases the Nafs.
Knowledge is a venerable estate, good manners are new dresses and
thinking is a clear mirror.
thinking is a clear mirror.
Charity is an effective cure, and actions of people in their present life
will be before their eyes in the next life.
will be before their eyes in the next life.
Meet people in such a manner that if you die they should weep for you
and if you live they should long for you.
and if you live they should long for you.
Keep walking in your sickness as long as you can.
Faith stands on four supports: on endurance, conviction, justice and
The tongue of the wiseman is behind his heart and the heart of the fool is
behind his tongue.
behind his tongue.
Even if I strike the nose of a believer with this sword for hating me, he
will not hate me, and even if I pile all the wealth of the world before a
hypocrite for loving me he will not love. This is because it is pronounced by
the tongue of the beloved Prophet. O’Ali, a believer will never hate you and
a hypocrite (Muslim) will never love you.
will not hate me, and even if I pile all the wealth of the world before a
hypocrite for loving me he will not love. This is because it is pronounced by
the tongue of the beloved Prophet. O’Ali, a believer will never hate you and
a hypocrite (Muslim) will never love you.
There is no wealth like wisdom, no destitution like ignorance, no inheritance
like refinement and no support like consultation.
Do not feel ashamed for giving little, because refusal is smaller than that.
The perfect jurist of Islam is he who does not let people lose hope from
the mercy of Allah, does not make him despondent of Allah’s kindness and
does not make him feel safe from Allah’s punishment.
the mercy of Allah, does not make him despondent of Allah’s kindness and
does not make him feel safe from Allah’s punishment.
Two categories of persons will face ruin on account of me; he who loves
me with exaggeration and he who hates me intensely.
me with exaggeration and he who hates me intensely.
Protect your belief by charity, guard your wealth by paying Allah’s share,
and ward off the waves of calamity by praying.
16. Beware of disobeying Allah in solitude, for the witness is also the judge.
and ward off the waves of calamity by praying.
16. Beware of disobeying Allah in solitude, for the witness is also the judge.